There are a variety of different types of treadmill equipment workouts. There are different things you can do to keep yourself interesting in your workout routine. This article is mainly described as some different treadmill workouts.
Maybe every day you do the same workouts ,that is so boring. You can add different things to improve your workouts. For instance, you can use weights or dumbbells to work your arms more. Another idea is add variety to your workout is to try walking backwards- this can be quite a challenge.Speed and incline are a couple other things you can change in your workouts to add variety. There are many things you can do to keep yourself interested in your workout rountine.
If you think that you can only do limited things on a treadmill equipment, think again. After all, with a little imagination and innovation, you can make your treadmill equipment workout just as challenging as you would like. Here are a few suggestions for creating an intense treadmill equipment workout. Of course, it is always a good idea to check with a doctor before you start a new exercise program or up the intensity of your current workouts.
Tired of your legs doing all the work while your arms just hang there-or worse,grip the safety bars? Try raising and lowering five to ten pound hand weights as you walk along. Also, if you are used to hanging onto the bars on your treadmill equipment, you should start slow so that you don’t fall and then simply increase speed as you gain confidence. By the end of a vigorous walk, you will have given your upper and lower body a good treadmill workout.
Walk Backwards
It is rather obviously best to do this at a slow pace,and without hanging onto the bars. Walking backwards uses the muscles in your legs in a whole new way and challenges you to pay attention to your balance as well, which is incredibly important in any sort of exercise routine.After this treadmill workout, you are guaranteed to develop aches in muscles that you never knew you had. Remember that this is a good thing however, and this means that your muscles
are truly getting worked out.
Speed Intervals
Be sure to warm up with some stretches before you try this technique, as with any other type of physical exercise. The best way to do this is to walk or run as fast as you can for one minute. Then slow the pace down for a two-minute breather.After the two minutes are up, do anther minute at full speed, and so on. Repeat this cycle five to eight times, as this is an excellent example of a good aerobic treadmill workout.
Incline Intervals
Again, be sure to warm up before you try this exercise.Walk as you normally would for five minutes. Then set the incline on your machine to four or five. Continue walking for another five minutes, then return the incline to zero. Repeat this cycle two times for maximum benefit.
Toes and Heels
Walk as you normally would for five minutes. Then slow down your speed and walk on your tiptoes for thirty seconds. Resume your normal walk for another five minutes, then slow down again and walk on your heels for thirty seconds. Repeat this cycle twice to exercise different muscles in your legs and feet.
A good treadmill equipment workout doesn’t have to be boring, and there are many challenging and fun exercise routines that you can do in order to keep your mind and your body in tip top shape.